ITAM Reports on Actions Around Gender Issues

As it has done since Spring 2020, ITAM released a report on the application of the Protocol Against Sexual Harassment, as well as affirmative actions to promote gender equality and culture at ITAM, corresponding to the Fall 2020 Semester.

See the Report on Gender, Diversity, Inclusion and Sexual Harassment that corresponds to the Fall 2020 semester.

The following highlights of the period stand out:

  • Eleven pending formal accusations from the Spring 2020 semester were resolved.
  • Regarding these, two recommendations were issued not to rehire the accused teacher and administrative staff member, among other consequences.
  • The Investigation Committee continues to work on a case that it aims to conclude as soon as possible.
  • In preventive matters, first level education was provided on gender, feminism and democracy. 
  • Strategies, spaces for dialogue and initial agreements were devised on how to address the treatment of gender violence with various feminist associations and collectives at ITAM.
  • A seminar on The Best Practices to Prevent, Address, Punish and Eradicate Gender Violence in the University Context was held. It was aimed at building a culture of prevention, organized with a collaborative network that included representatives from The Boston Center, El Colegio de México, CIDE, UNAM, Universidad Iberoamericana and ITAM, as well as members of civil society, represented by Intersecta, and academics who do research on these topics.
  • Measures were taken to begin the revision of the Protocol Against Harassment and Abuse to move toward a Protocol on gender violence.
  • A regular exchange on gender matters was established with members of the feminist student associations Abogadas ITAM, Colectiva Raíz, Cuarta Ola, Diversidad Sexogenérica ITAM, HeforShe, Mujeres Seguras ITAM, and Resiliencia Combativa.


The actions undertaken by ITAM emphasize prevention and the path of restorative justice to promote a culture of gender equality.

The ultimate purpose is to seek, along with the community, the eradication of any type of violence, as well as to build a culture of gender equality that reinforces ITAM’s objective of being an institution of academic and human excellence.



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